Clinic Telephones: 943210838 | 943219347
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 09:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00, Friday: 9:00-16:00
"Our goal is to restore our patients' mouths in a complete, aesthetic and functional way, with long-term lasting results"

Dental prosthesis (prosthodontics) is the branch of dentistry that is responsible for the rehabilitation or replacement of lost, decayed or badly worn teeth. The objective of oral rehabilitation is, after cleaning the teeth and gums, to recover the function, anatomy, phonation and dental aesthetics of the patient using different types of caps (crowns).

At Ondarreta Dental, all dental prostheses are made using the latest digital CAD-CAM milling technology and are made by the most prestigious and highest quality dental laboratories in San Sebastián.

imagen de protesis dentales en ondarreta

Dentures and removable appliances

“Removable” dentures and appliances – skeletal – are technically known as removable prostheses.

Removable prostheses are traditional dentures that replace missing or missing teeth, whether they are a few or all. They are simple, economical, easy and quick to make tooth replacement appliances.

As they are removable, they require a certain period of adaptation by the patient and sometimes require small adjustments for greater comfort and convenience, although they always have slight mobility.

All our work is carried out with the most prestigious dental laboratories (dental prosthetics) in San Sebastián.

Dental covers in Ondarreta

Fixed crowns and bridges

Dental crowns - covers - and bridges - multiple linked covers - are fixed prostheses, meaning they cannot be removed by the patient. Crowns and bridges, being fixed structures, imitate natural teeth, which makes them comfortable, functional and totally aesthetic.

In order to place a crown or bridge, it is necessary to slightly reduce the diameter of your base tooth (abutment). In our clinic we work applying protocols of minimally invasive techniques that allow us to maintain the maximum structure of your natural tooth, thus avoiding damaging its vitality. The crowns that will cover these teeth are custom designed to provide a natural and harmonious appearance with the rest of the teeth.

There are different materials to make fixed prostheses -crowns and bridges- from ceramics and lithium disilicate to zirconia and composite. All these materials that we use are highly aesthetic and functional and must be indicated individually in each case.

All our work is carried out with the most prestigious dental laboratories (dental prosthetics) in Ondarreta.

Overimplant prostheses

Overimplant prostheses

  1. Fixed implant prosthesis (bridges and crowns on implants):

Overimplant dental crowns and bridges are fixed prostheses that imitate natural teeth, making them comfortable, functional and totally aesthetic.

Unlike conventional dental crowns and bridges – which require slightly reducing the diameter of the base teeth – implant-supported crowns and bridges are anchored to the implants without resting on any natural teeth. There are different materials to make this type of implant prosthesis: ceramics, lithium disilicate, zirconium and composite.

All these materials that we use are highly aesthetic and functional and must be indicated individually in each case.

  1. Prosthesis on removable implant (overdenture):

There are prostheses on removable implants known as overdentures. They are complete prostheses (that do not have a palate) that are supported by 2 or 4 dental implants to provide greater comfort and reduce comfort, increasing the patient's comfort.

Overdentures are indicated for patients with little bone or patients who have a conventional removable prosthesis that is uncomfortable and causes discomfort due to their mobility.

At Ondarreta Dental Clinic, we know the importance of working with the original materials and accessories of Straumann implants.®, which gives us a precise and passive adjustment of the dental prosthesis with the implant, thus guaranteeing high durability and guarantee of our rehabilitative treatments.

Yes, today, there are very high quality materials that allow us to accurately rehabilitate missing teeth.

Dental Prostheses require extra attention to their hygiene. Depending on whether they are fixed or removable, they will be cleaned differently.

They are generally carried out two visits: the first to carve the tooth on which the crown will go, and take measurements and color. At this first visit, the patient will leave with a temporary crown. The second will be to test the structure on the tooth and to cement the crown on the tooth.

To maintain a prosthesis, as with your natural teeth, you must maintain good oral hygiene and visit our Dental Clinic every 6 months to check the state of your oral health and prevent any type of disease.

They are called “false dentures”, “removable”. They can be partial and replace only the missing teeth, or complete and replace all the teeth in the mouth. In both cases, these prostheses require a period of adaptation for the patient and the need to remove them daily to perform proper hygiene of both the mouth and the prostheses themselves.

Each case requires a detailed study. The Doctor will tell you which is the best option based on your situation.

Tips, news, habits and recommendations for good oral health.
Delighted to serve you!